Thursday, October 30, 2008

Face-off between half black and full white

            Less than two weeks, all over the U.S voters on who they want to be the next president. Just like what older people did wrong by picking president BUSH. Raising taxes, sending troops out, involving us in war and did at do anything when the world trade center went down. Causing bunch of deaths to innocent people, who had family and loved ones. But now a republican John McCain and a Democrat Barack Obama.

            Now, people over the U.S are finally thinking straight on who they should pick, who they can trust, and who they want to be president for the next four years in there life. Now the United States of America is going to a tough time. Poor, and mid lige people are going broke having trouble to get through life. Banks and businesses are losing money. United States soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Gas prices going up and people are worried to keep there houses warm in the future. On November 4, election day they will find out who will be the next president of the United States.

            In Holland Ohio, residents had one important issue is losing there home and jobs. When Obama heard al this from the people. McCain heard problems in Blue Bell. The two presidents have different ways and thoughts on saving the economy, because the economy is the most important thing in the U.S. McCain wants to lower government taxes on businesses. While Obama is doing a good thing for the lower and middle class people. Obama wants to lower taxes for them. Give tax credits to businesses if they make bew jobs. To help people who lost there jobs. But my vote is for obama cause he my NUKKA!!!


+Ms. King+ said...

Haha Bush is finally going to be gone! Is there any other reason why you think we should vote for Obama?

Speggy said...

Ok...bush!! booo!! hahaha jk...
will good article!!

brent #20 said...

who would you vote for the half back or full white

Natasha said...

cool artical..