Saturday, November 1, 2008


Sarita Omiscar was muddy, cold and starving. She had dozens of orphans walking threw cold water. When they saw the U.S troops they all went towards them asking for food. They haven’t ate in days they said. The orphan didn’t eat for three days. While Sarita didn’t eat till Monday. Aid workers found out that the whole place needed help, signs of the desperation showing from the people the land. This all happen in Haiti. Which is south east from Cuba and just west of the Dominican Republic.
4 tropical storms and hurricanes they were named Fay, Gustav, Hanna and Ike. Had hit Haiti, Cuba and the D.P (Dominican Republican) the places were flooded, houses being torn down, roofs off houses. Water and food gone, while the water is there but not safe drink, when its mixed with the sewer and dirt. There were more than 300 deaths. Roads were jacked, that emergency foods could not be transferred to them. But they used helicopters to bring to supplies to the starving innocent people. But the only thing was that the chopper could only feed 1000 people per day. There were 300,000 residents.

War Cries

During the Olympics, a real war broke out. President Mikheil Saakashvili who is the president of Georgia. He ordered his troops to attack one of Georgia own provinces, they attacked a place called south Ossetia. South Ossetia defied the national government and Saakashvili wanted to take control of the region to earn respect. In August, 7 attacks were successful. At the end of the day, the soldiers of Georgia were inside South Ossetia capital “Tshinvali”.
When Georgia was getting to carried along with there victory. The tiny region outraged Russia. Russia was massacring the tiny region. When this happened the world was pushed back. They soon called this the cold war. The Russian were well equipped with war goods. They had tanks, warplanes and a lot of soldiers. Only took the Russians one whole day to take over South Ossetia. But the Russians didn’t stop, they wanted more. They kept going they hit the center of Georgia. Bush didn’t do jack about this. While he was just kicking back watching the opening ceremonies at the Olympic games.
Russians has granted citizenship to South Ossetians. When the Georgian army ran. While they killed and tortured innocent people. This is called the cold war


People think that teasing can be funny. But its not, as friends of Megan Meier discovered that it can cause death. In 2006 a white boy name josh, a 16 year old. He was chatting with Megan Meier while he started talking like he liked her, but later on everything changed. Started saying mean and crucial things to Megan, she couldn’t take it anymore so she killed herself. Not thinking twice about it. she just killed herself.
Later on, the police soon discovered the truth why she killed herself and about josh. But soon they said he never existed. A teenage and mother living next door to Megan. Megan was gossiping about the girl.
The police call this cyber bullying. They say that one out of three United States teens will be bullied by someone in the computer world. It can cause the person who is being bullied, lose there self esteem and there confidence. The IYAC 148 members are from many countries around the world. They all met trying to find a way to stop cyber bullying. In October, they plan to tell the U.N (united nation).
The IYAC say that people are always being cyber bullied. So watch what you say to others. Before it gets really bad.