Saturday, November 1, 2008


Sarita Omiscar was muddy, cold and starving. She had dozens of orphans walking threw cold water. When they saw the U.S troops they all went towards them asking for food. They haven’t ate in days they said. The orphan didn’t eat for three days. While Sarita didn’t eat till Monday. Aid workers found out that the whole place needed help, signs of the desperation showing from the people the land. This all happen in Haiti. Which is south east from Cuba and just west of the Dominican Republic.
4 tropical storms and hurricanes they were named Fay, Gustav, Hanna and Ike. Had hit Haiti, Cuba and the D.P (Dominican Republican) the places were flooded, houses being torn down, roofs off houses. Water and food gone, while the water is there but not safe drink, when its mixed with the sewer and dirt. There were more than 300 deaths. Roads were jacked, that emergency foods could not be transferred to them. But they used helicopters to bring to supplies to the starving innocent people. But the only thing was that the chopper could only feed 1000 people per day. There were 300,000 residents.

War Cries

During the Olympics, a real war broke out. President Mikheil Saakashvili who is the president of Georgia. He ordered his troops to attack one of Georgia own provinces, they attacked a place called south Ossetia. South Ossetia defied the national government and Saakashvili wanted to take control of the region to earn respect. In August, 7 attacks were successful. At the end of the day, the soldiers of Georgia were inside South Ossetia capital “Tshinvali”.
When Georgia was getting to carried along with there victory. The tiny region outraged Russia. Russia was massacring the tiny region. When this happened the world was pushed back. They soon called this the cold war. The Russian were well equipped with war goods. They had tanks, warplanes and a lot of soldiers. Only took the Russians one whole day to take over South Ossetia. But the Russians didn’t stop, they wanted more. They kept going they hit the center of Georgia. Bush didn’t do jack about this. While he was just kicking back watching the opening ceremonies at the Olympic games.
Russians has granted citizenship to South Ossetians. When the Georgian army ran. While they killed and tortured innocent people. This is called the cold war


People think that teasing can be funny. But its not, as friends of Megan Meier discovered that it can cause death. In 2006 a white boy name josh, a 16 year old. He was chatting with Megan Meier while he started talking like he liked her, but later on everything changed. Started saying mean and crucial things to Megan, she couldn’t take it anymore so she killed herself. Not thinking twice about it. she just killed herself.
Later on, the police soon discovered the truth why she killed herself and about josh. But soon they said he never existed. A teenage and mother living next door to Megan. Megan was gossiping about the girl.
The police call this cyber bullying. They say that one out of three United States teens will be bullied by someone in the computer world. It can cause the person who is being bullied, lose there self esteem and there confidence. The IYAC 148 members are from many countries around the world. They all met trying to find a way to stop cyber bullying. In October, they plan to tell the U.N (united nation).
The IYAC say that people are always being cyber bullied. So watch what you say to others. Before it gets really bad.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Meds for success on getting high :)

            Catherine Newkirk was a lil girl living in North Carolina. When growing up. Her father got a serous cut on his foot. She wanted her father to go to the hospital or see a doctor. But after all, they could not afford the doctor’s fee on treating and healing his foot. The good thing was they went to a pharmacist that gave them advice to heal the father’s foot. The pharmacist told him how to clean the wound, treat it with a mixture of mild, that is antibiotic and turpentine. While Catherine was worried about the wound, what the pharmacist told them WORKED!!! She was very happy and surprised. She said “I couldn’t understand how that would work- but it did!”

            Now today, she won’t forget about what the pharmacist provided. Seeing how the pharmacist helped other people and the community. She is a pharmacist now. She 4 children’s 2 of them are in college, they are following there mothers foot steps.

            Pharmacists are all over the United States. Catherine has her own drug store, called Newkirk’s drug store. She mixes medications and tells the people that need it the proper way. So nothing bad will happen to them. Cause medications can cause O.D ( Over dose) and death. Other Pharmacist do research, work in hospitals, and ask for insurance companies for patients and pharmaceuticals manufacturers. To become a pharmacist you need education and training. Skills in Math, biology, microbiology and communications courses. They make $67,860 to $119,480.

Face-off between half black and full white

            Less than two weeks, all over the U.S voters on who they want to be the next president. Just like what older people did wrong by picking president BUSH. Raising taxes, sending troops out, involving us in war and did at do anything when the world trade center went down. Causing bunch of deaths to innocent people, who had family and loved ones. But now a republican John McCain and a Democrat Barack Obama.

            Now, people over the U.S are finally thinking straight on who they should pick, who they can trust, and who they want to be president for the next four years in there life. Now the United States of America is going to a tough time. Poor, and mid lige people are going broke having trouble to get through life. Banks and businesses are losing money. United States soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Gas prices going up and people are worried to keep there houses warm in the future. On November 4, election day they will find out who will be the next president of the United States.

            In Holland Ohio, residents had one important issue is losing there home and jobs. When Obama heard al this from the people. McCain heard problems in Blue Bell. The two presidents have different ways and thoughts on saving the economy, because the economy is the most important thing in the U.S. McCain wants to lower government taxes on businesses. While Obama is doing a good thing for the lower and middle class people. Obama wants to lower taxes for them. Give tax credits to businesses if they make bew jobs. To help people who lost there jobs. But my vote is for obama cause he my NUKKA!!!

Navigating the college fair

            Coming to a college fair makes things easy. They give you schools and information about the schools. But not all colleges come to these fairs. They talk to students personally, face to face. To see what to expect out of the school and location. They have these fairs in conference rooms, school gym and convention center. But they they some colleges. They have booths where the counselor from the school answers the student’s questions. Instead of going online to check out the school. While fair is much better meeting face to face to others.

            Being at a college fair is much better. Representatives would advocate students to apply to there school. Counselors want to give out info about there school. So don’t be afraid to ask questions and talk. The good thing to do to prepare for the fair is, have good questions, and ask what type of schools they are looking for and ask where the school is. To be close or far away from home.

            When the college fair is over. You will know what college you would like to go to and a few plans on going to there college. So be sure to make your decision right or else wasting time.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A GrOwInG FiElD oF tHe GoOd sTuFf

John Christian works late while his workdays begin at 7 am, he owns a greenhouse, gots many chickens he lets out of the hens house. He waters all his plants which is 4½ hilly acres. His farm is in Canterbury, Connecticut. There are a lot of trees and old stone walls. There are ponds and two springs that give good water to his plants to stay healthy and some goes to his farmhouse. In the past Christian got his property when it was only 15,603 but now, small farm are close to earn less than $50,000 for only 179 acres.

            Farmers don’t use synthetic fertilizers. So it takes awhile for the soil to get rich, on its natural self. The farmers don’t use any chemical and stuff because may cause ill or death to person who is eating his or hers product of there farm. But the cool thing if there bugs in there farm. They get lady bugs to eat it and when there is weeds they have to hand pull it themselves. Most of the farmers grow lettuce, arugala, kale, bok choy and flowers. They make soap out dried herbs, olive oil and buttermilk in the winter.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


This article is about fibers and how does it work........ Most people have fibers in there clothing and other like, food, clothing, building, and space. The other work would be high-tech textiles. In building something’s you have to have fibers in creating something. examples are clothing is made up of bunch of fiber that keeps our body warm it traps heat. There is fiber in food like spaghetti. There a lot of things that have in fiber its like important to our bodies. That is why Fiber can help us in the future. well not all in the future cause of the global warming and stuff. it can cause overheating and exhaustion. 

Friday, October 24, 2008


Debbie Grant went to community college. Higher education was too much for her. Than a friend gave her a hook up at a sales position at a hotel. She met with the director of sales and catering at the hotel. Was told that the position had to deal with involved booking meetings and banquets. The director told her a easy way on being a sales person. He said take care of people like they are guests in your home and you will do fine in this business.

            She has been doing good in her career path. In July 2007 she became hotel manager of the InterContinental Buckhead Atlanta. A 5star luxury hotel. Than in March 2008, she became a regional director of sales and marketing. She did all this without a college degree.

            The hotel increases by 13.9 percent from 2006 through 2016. The numbers of hotels being built in the U.S continues to result. So many people who work at hotels can be promoted to first class level manager position within the hotel. Than more will be available and more staff will be making money. The hotel employs many young and first time workers who start out in a part time of seasonal job.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


You can get paid by going fast in a plane, but you got to be well experienced. Like Price Gillenwater, he started flying when he was 23 years old. Likes the speed, g-forces, and aerobatics. There are different kind of pilots, some fly passengers across the country and the world to different places. There some that carry packages across the globe at all hours, its on 24/7. Some pilots need extensive training and experience.

Barrington Irving is the youngest pilot to have flown solo around the world. Barrington was working in his parents bookstore when he met caption Gary Robinson. Gary is pilot for United Airlines. Irving first plane he rode was Boeing 777. Regular sized plane that has stock parts. Irving washed air planes for private aircraft people to earning short learning flights and money. Irving downloaded a software on his computer that shows steps by steps how to become a better pilot. Irving worked hard to get to where he is now. Finding jobs to pay for flight lessons.

The boeing 787 dreamliner, a new type of plane designed to carry between 210 and 330 passenger. Than there is commercial airplane pilot  that help you on what you need.

Friday, October 17, 2008


You can create your own video game by going to game school. While there are more game players there are more people who have ideas that are good for a good game and sold across the world. In 2007 they estimated between $16 billion and $17 billion sold in United States. The games are made by certain teams. There are artists, animators, game designers, computer programmers and others. They work for months or years just for single game. Colleges and Universities are making degrees in game development. The only way you can work for them is to trained have good 3D art and animations.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Gobs of Green Jobs

Global warming has been killing all the things in the world. Plants are the main thing that keeps the world in good shape. 1.6 million People worked in the environmental jobs. Scientist are scared that the planet may be in danger cause of climate change. The energy that is keeping cars, houses, and businesses comes from oil and natural gas. Burning these fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, that builds up in the atmosphere causing the planet to heat up. The Earth keeps getting warm animals may die, the water level will rise. Have stronger hurricanes and floods. There are people out there that are helping out to prevent global warming. Planting new plants, cleaner water so it can evaporate. Park Rangers keeping guard of the stuff so nothing would be ruined. Foresters manage the way people use the forests, so the trees can be harvested to produce paper and wood. While these people are helping other people constructing better buildings and using solar panels so the energy is coming from the heat rays from the sun. The only thing is the earth needs more help. So in the future people, animals, and other living things wont be swept and killed by the strong hurricanes.