Saturday, November 1, 2008

War Cries

During the Olympics, a real war broke out. President Mikheil Saakashvili who is the president of Georgia. He ordered his troops to attack one of Georgia own provinces, they attacked a place called south Ossetia. South Ossetia defied the national government and Saakashvili wanted to take control of the region to earn respect. In August, 7 attacks were successful. At the end of the day, the soldiers of Georgia were inside South Ossetia capital “Tshinvali”.
When Georgia was getting to carried along with there victory. The tiny region outraged Russia. Russia was massacring the tiny region. When this happened the world was pushed back. They soon called this the cold war. The Russian were well equipped with war goods. They had tanks, warplanes and a lot of soldiers. Only took the Russians one whole day to take over South Ossetia. But the Russians didn’t stop, they wanted more. They kept going they hit the center of Georgia. Bush didn’t do jack about this. While he was just kicking back watching the opening ceremonies at the Olympic games.
Russians has granted citizenship to South Ossetians. When the Georgian army ran. While they killed and tortured innocent people. This is called the cold war


francitabitah said...

very good article.
keep up the good work.

Harlinda♥ said...

This is a very good artice! Nice work!!